
Movie explorer adding your own genre
Movie explorer adding your own genre

  1. #Movie explorer adding your own genre how to#
  2. #Movie explorer adding your own genre movie#
  3. #Movie explorer adding your own genre full#

#Movie explorer adding your own genre movie#

Our simple Movie Database application will allow us to do three things:Īgain, because we want to keep things simple, we'll take advantage of the minimum number of features of the ASP.NET MVC framework needed to build our application. Overview of the Movie Database Applicationīecause our goal is to keep things simple, we'll build a very simple Movie Database application. My hope is that this tutorial will give you a sense of how the experience of building an ASP.NET MVC application is both similar and different than the experience of building an Active Server Pages or ASP.NET Web Forms application.

#Movie explorer adding your own genre full#

And, just like a traditional ASP.NET Web Forms application, ASP.NET MVC provides you with full access to the rich set of languages and classes provided by the. ASP.NET MVC views are very much like the pages in an Active Server Pages application.

movie explorer adding your own genre

If you have worked with Active Server Pages or ASP.NET, then you should find ASP.NET MVC very familiar. We'll let Visual Studio generate the initial code and content for our controllers, models, and views.

movie explorer adding your own genre

To simplify the process of building our application, we'll take advantage of the scaffolding features of Visual Studio 2008.

#Movie explorer adding your own genre how to#

I show you how to build a simple database-driven application that illustrates how you can list, create, and edit database records. In this tutorial, I blast through building an entire ASP.NET MVC application from start to finish. The purpose of this tutorial is to give you a sense of "what it is like" to build an ASP.NET MVC application. This tutorial is a great introduction for people who are new to the ASP.NET MVC Framework and who want to get a sense of the process of building an ASP.NET MVC application. Other movie managers that I suggest: Movie Explorer and Movie Monkey.Stephen Walther builds an entire database-driven ASP.NET MVC application from start to finish. Other features included with the software are the ability to set movies as watched, set favorites, view IMDB page of the movie, and play the movie in your default video player. A search function lets you easily search for movies by director, cast, plot, year, language etc. You can filter the movies by genre and sort them by date added, year, title, IMDB rating and your own rating. Filenames are apparently thrown out of the window.Īll movies in your collection are displayed in a grid on the left and details of the selected movie is shown on the right. I attempted to coax the software into identifying my personal rips with generous filenames but it failed. Movies you personally ripped/copied from DVDs, CDs and Blu-Ray have absolutely no chance of being identified, because their hashes are unknown and My Movie Manager happens to depend solely on file hashes to identify movies.

movie explorer adding your own genre movie explorer adding your own genre

My Movie Manager works flawless for movies downloaded from BitTorrent, because these files are public and their file hashes known. The accuracy depends a lot on your movie source. In that case you can use the Edit button, enter the IMDB ID of the movie and correct the error. It can go through hundreds of movies in just a couple of minutes and in the end have, maybe, only a handful of movies that it failed to identify or wrongly identified. The accuracy at which the software is able to identify movies is high and it works very fast too.

Movie explorer adding your own genre